An Archive of Number, Geometry, Music, & Cosmology

19,000 PDF Books - 128,000 Images

Dive Deep Into The Quadrivium

Quadrivium Archivium is a vast repository of ancient secrets, sacred knowledge, and timeless wisdom, bridging the realms of mathematics, music, geometry, and cosmology. This collection delves into the mystical foundations of the Quadrivium, exploring megalithic structures, celestial harmonics, esoteric astronomy, and the hidden relationships between number and nature.

A grand, historic library hall with towering shelves filled with numerous books. The architecture features high, arching ceilings and dark wood paneling. Busts of historical figures line the central aisle, lending an air of scholarly gravitas. Warm, ambient lighting enhances the richness of the wood and creates a cozy yet awe-inspiring atmosphere.
A grand, historic library hall with towering shelves filled with numerous books. The architecture features high, arching ceilings and dark wood paneling. Busts of historical figures line the central aisle, lending an air of scholarly gravitas. Warm, ambient lighting enhances the richness of the wood and creates a cozy yet awe-inspiring atmosphere.

Through rare books, intricate diagrams, and symbolic imagery, Quadrivium Archivium unveils the lost teachings of the ancients, guiding seekers toward a deeper understanding of the universe and the cosmic order encoded within it.

  • Alchemy

  • Ancient Civillizations

  • Angels

  • Archaeomusicology

  • Astral/Out of Body/Remote Viewing

  • Astrology

  • Astronomy

  • Aura + Astral Bodies

  • Bizzare

  • Consciousness

  • cymatics

  • Crystals Precious Gemstones

  • Druids

  • Egypt

  • ESP

  • Free Energy

  • Geomancy

  • geodetic research

  • Gnosticism

  • Great Pyramid

  • Hermeticism

  • Trivium

  • Magick

  • Megaliths Stone Archeology

  • Metaphysics

  • Moon

  • Non-duality

  • Numerology

  • Occultism

  • Philosophy

  • Psychedelic

  • Psychic - PSI

  • Paranormal

  • Psychology

  • Religions

  • Science

  • sacred geometry

  • Secret Societies

  • Stonehenge

  • Symbols

  • sigils

  • UFO Aliens Demons

Topics of the Quadrivium Archivium

Librarium Esotericum offers a treasure trove of rare books, knowledge you just won't come across anywhere else.

Joe Dubs

A grand, vaulted library hall featuring tall bookshelves filled with numerous volumes. The space is characterized by its dark wooden arches and ornate columns. A walkway with railings runs along the bookshelves, and subdued lighting creates an atmosphere of historical grandeur.
A grand, vaulted library hall featuring tall bookshelves filled with numerous volumes. The space is characterized by its dark wooden arches and ornate columns. A walkway with railings runs along the bookshelves, and subdued lighting creates an atmosphere of historical grandeur.
